Thank you to Chalk Sound Residents for allowing us to speak to those present at the security event last night at Las Brisas.
We hope that our input was of value and interesting.
There was significant interest in the SmartwaterCSI property marking solution and in our discussion on how security can only ever be truly achieved by a Partnership approach between the Community, the Police and Private Security Providers.
We also raised the concept of Security being achieved through a 'layered' approach. An approach adopting concentric circles of security measures.
First layer - perimeter control - be that fencing, static security officers / guard(s) around a perimeter or at an entrance or other visible and physical barrier - DETERRENCE / ACCESS CONTROL
Second layer - patrolling security officer / mobile patrol - OBSERVATION / DETERRENCE / INTELLIGENCE GATHERING / RESPONSE / REPORTING
Fourth Layer - Home alarm/CCTV and security systems - DETERRENCE / DETECTION / ALERTING
Fifth Layer - INTERVENTION - Primarily the domain and responsibility of Law Enforcement.
It is very important to note that the roles of the Community and Private Security are different from the roles of the Police.
Community and Private Security's role is to deter, prevent, detect, report and obtain intelligence and where safe, to intervene and disrupt. They have no enforcement powers other than a Citizens power of arrest which must be used with extreme caution.
The police role, however, is to respond, intervene and enforce, while also providing a visible deterrent presence, supporting the group through the provision of information, statistics and data to allow effective mitigating security measures to be developed based on emerging threats. This includes the provision of up to date crime and incident data, (anonymised), so as to allow the Community and Private Security provider to predict threats and deploy intelligence led security solutions.
Only in a spirit of true partnership and information sharing, can security ever be delivered effectively. It takes trust and confidence in each other and a real approach to Partnership where all contribute and are accountable to each other and the Partnership Group.
More information on Neighbourhood Policing can be found in this recent article from the UK Police Foundation.
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